
Clifton Primary School

Aspire to Achieve

Nursery Admissions

What are you waiting for?

Complete the form below and email it back to to add your child to our waiting list. 



If spaces are available, we are able to admit children during the term after their third birthday within three weeks. Clifton Nursery is able to offer children 15 hours per week, term time only. Parents will be allocated five mornings or five afternoons per week with each session lasting 3 hours.


If applications exceed the number of available places, the school will apply the following criteria in making allocations in the following order;


Priority will be given to:


1. Children who are four before the following September


2. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, child arrangements order, or special guardianship order.


3. Children with a brother or sister who will be attending the main school (not the nursery class) at the time of admission. (Brother and sister refers to all blood, half, foster, step and adoptive brothers and sisters (not cousins) who live at the same home and in the same family unit as the child on a permanent basis or for the majority of the time in any calendar year. A sibling relationship does not apply when the older child(ren) will leave before the younger one starts).


4. Children of a member of staff where this will enable the staff member to continue with their contractual duties.


5. Children who live closest to the school (a straight line on a map from the parental home post code to the school post code is used to calculate the distance.) We regard the parental home address to be where the child spends the majority of their school week, Monday to Friday, including nights. Evidence of address is required and may take the form of a utilities bill or council tax bill confirming name and address.


If two or more children have equal priority under the criteria, the criterion of distance will then be applied. In the event that the distances are equal the lots will be drawn to determine which applicant should be offered the place.


Waiting lists


Vacancies are filled from the waiting list using the criteria above.


If you want to register your child for a nursery place at Clifton you need to complete a waiting list form when your child is 2 years old. Please find a copy of the waiting list form below and once completed, please email it back to


Should any of your contact information change or if you accept a place at an alternative nursery, please let the school office know as soon as possible, so we can update our records.


Admission to Our Nursery


When you child turns 2 years and 11 months we will contact you offering your child a nursery place. This will depend on if places are available.


Once you have accepted the offer to our nursery you will be invited to the school to complete an application form and will be asked to bring in the documents specified in our admissions policy. The application can be completed online or in person, and must be returned within one week. If you require support completing this form, please let the office know when you are contacted.


A member of staff from Clifton Primary School will undertake a home visit prior to starting at Clifton.
