
Clifton Primary School

Aspire to Achieve

Extra Curricular Clubs

We run a wide range of clubs that take place after school. Some of these clubs are run by external companies but most of them are run by our Clifton staff. The clubs are heavily subsidised by the school in order to support parents/carers and provide a wide range of opportunities and experience for our pupils. 


Towards the end of each term, a letter is sent out for the next term explaining what clubs are on offer and how to book. Parents/Carers can book clubs on Parent Mail and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. 


Some clubs are part of our School Sports Programme and prepare pupils for various sporting competitions across the academic year. These clubs are free, and pupils are invited to attend. 


We are always looking for Parents/Carers to support the school in running exciting clubs for our pupils. If you have a skill you would like to teach a group of pupils as a club, please leave your information with Mrs Madhan in the school office and someone will get back to you. 
