
Clifton Primary School

Aspire to Achieve


Arabic 1 ج. العمل في شراكة لدعم طفلك: مشاركة المعلومات

1c Working in partnership to support your child Sharing Info 1 ج. العمل في شراكة لدعم طفلك: مشاركة المعلومات Encouraging parents to share information with those working with their child. What information should be shared, when to share it and who to share information with.

Arabic 2a 2 أ. ما هو التوحد؟

2a What is autism Arabic 2 أ. ما هو التوحد؟ Harry, a 15 year old pupil with Autism explains what Autism is in simple terms and offers reassurance to parents who may be concerned about their child and signposts them to additional support.

Arabic 2b 2 ب. كيف يمكنني دعم طفلي المصاب بالتوحد؟

2b How can I support my autistic child Arabic 2 ب. كيف يمكنني دعم طفلي المصاب بالتوحد؟ Harry, a 15 year old pupils with Autism gives top tips for parents on how they can support their child with autism and where they can go for additional support.

Arabic 3a 3 أ. ما هو علاج النطق واللغة؟

3a What is speech and language therapy Arabic 3 أ. ما هو علاج النطق واللغة؟ Members of Ealing's Speech and Language Therapy Team explain what speech and language therapy is, what they do and where they work. يشرح أعضاء فريق علاج النطق واللغة في إيلينغ ما هو علاج النطق واللغة ، وماذا يفعلون ومكان عملهم.

Arabic 3b 3 ب. أين يمكنني الذهاب للحصول على المساعدة إذا كنت قلقًا بشأن تواصل طفلي؟

3b Where can go for help if I am worried about my child's communication? Arabic 3 ب. أين يمكنني الذهاب للحصول على المساعدة إذا كنت قلقًا بشأن تواصل طفلي؟ Members of Ealing's Speech and Language Therapy Team where to go support if a parent is worried about their child's communication and how to know when to seek support.

Arabic 3c 3 ج. كيف يساعد الكلام واللغة طفلي؟

3c. How will Speech & Language help my child? Arabic 3 ج. كيف يساعد الكلام واللغة طفلي؟ Members of Ealing's Speech and Language Therapy Service explain wheat happened when a child is referred to the service, how parents can support their child and key questions about the process.
