
Clifton Primary School

Aspire to Achieve

New to Clifton - Nursery and Reception September 2024

We are excited that you have chosen to start your child’s journey in education with us and we would like to offer you a warm welcome to Clifton Primary School. 


Should you have any questions before your child starts with us, please send them via email to:


Starting reception class at age four or five is the beginning of school for children. Some children will have attended a nursery or other formal childcare; other children will be coming straight from a home environment with family into a full day of school.


For all children, it will be a big step – some may be very excited, others may be a little worried; especially if they’ve not been away from family before.


Once they begin school, some children will find it easier than others due to a number factors including the individual personality of the child. Like adults, some are more sensitive than others, some respond to change better than others. 


    New Nursery September 2024


    A member of our school office will contact you to offer your child a place in our nursery as soon as they have turned three years old. Once you have accepted, we will ask you to complete a school admission form. Following on from this, a member of the EYFS Team will offer you and your family a home visit and shortly afterwards your child will start with us. 


    For all new children starting with us in September 2024, there will be a Stay and Play session at 1.30pm on 24th June. Please enter from the gate on Talbot Road. 


    Any further information about our school including the curriculum, the topics that we will be covering or general information can be found on the schools website. 


    New Reception Cohort for September 2024


    Once you have accepted the offer from Ealing; we will send you a welcome letter. If your child is completely new to Clifton, we will ask you to complete a school admission form. If your child is currently in our nursery, you will not need to complete this. 


    Home Visits for new children to Reception:

    ·  To allow all of our new children to feel confident about their start to Reception, members of the EYFS Team will visit you at home during the week of 24th June. On the 21st June, a member of our school team will call you to arrange a convenient time for the visit. This will allow for you to ask any important questions and for you and your child to get to know the team better. 


    Stay and Play Sessions: 

    · All new Reception children will have a Stay and Play session on July 5th. 

    - Parents and carers of the children who are currently in our nursery should arrive at the Talbot gate for 9.15am with their children 

    - Parents and carers of new children to Clifton should arrive at the Talbot gate for 12.55pm with their children. 


    September Start Dates: 

    · We split all of the new Reception children into groups and start them on different days to make sure that they get lots of support from our staff; this will begin from Thursday 5th September 2024. At your Stay and Play session, we will give you the exact days/times that we would like your child to be in school.

    · By Wednesday 11th September, all children will be in school for the whole day. For those children who are taking a little longer to settle in, we will slowly build up their hours to full time. This will be done in collaboration with you and their new teacher.

    How to Prepare During the Summer Break:


    Start by talking to your child about school In this way you can help your child look forward to:

    • Making new friends
    • Play time
    • Fun activities in the classroom
    • Learning new things
    • PE and doing sports
    • Shop together for the uniform
    • Have fun trying it all on
    • Allow your child to pick a pack lunch box or bag and water bottle
    • If the school offers a visit or walk-around – go with your child
    • Walk past the school regularly with your child
    • Look at the school website with your child and look at photographs of activities and events
    • Read books with your child about starting school, start with looking at this booklet together.

    Giving reassurance

    Talk to your child about what to do in case something happens at school or they feel worried about something or feel unwell. This will help to avoid your child becoming very anxious about being away from you. Say things like:

    • Your teacher is there to help you
    • If you don’t feel well, you can tell a teacher and you will get help
    • You can tell me everything about your day when you get home
    • School ends at 3.15 pm and you will be collected


    Think about these skills:

    • I can use a knife and fork
    • I can open my packed lunch on my own.
    • I can open wrappers and packets
    • I don’t mind eating in front of others

    Encourage independence at mealtimes by encouraging your child to feed themselves and open packets and wrappers. It is best to use full size cutlery to practise. Find ways of eating when you are outside of your home environment, so your child is comfortable eating in front of others e.g. take a picnic to the park or have a snack at a friend’s house.


    Think about these skills:

    • I know when to wash my hands
    • I can wipe my nose
    • I can ask for help if I don't feel well

    Encourage hand washing and hygiene routines throughout the day and talk about when and why we wash our hands. Demonstrate the right way for your child to wash their hands and wipe their nose.


    Think about these skills:

    • I can go to the toilet on my own, wipe myself and flush.
    • I can wash and dry my hands without any help.

    Encourage your child to use the toilet on their own. When you visit the school ask that your child be shown the bathroom area.

    Encourage and talk about hygiene and why we wash our hands to support children in consistently building this into their routine. If they forget, provide a gentle reminder to support their thinking. For example, "What might happen if our hands are dirty?"


    Think about these skills:

    • I can get dressed and undressed on my own
    • I can button and unbutton my clothes and use a zip
    • I can put on my shoes and socks
    • I can change into my PE kit and put my coat on

    Help your child to practice dressing and undressing at home and make it fun. Use zips and buttons. Slip-on or Velcro shoes are easier to put on.


    Think about these skills:

    • I have practised putting on my uniform and getting ready to leave home on time
    • I have a good bedtime routine so I'm not too tired for school
    • I'm learning to eat at times I will on school days

    Help your child to practice putting on their uniform and then practice the journey to school together. A regular bedtime with a routine is very important. For example: bath time, getting clothes ready for the next day and going to bed at the same time. Giving your child meals and snacks at the same time they would get them on school days prepares them for new routines.


    Think about these skills:

    • I enjoy counting objects
    • I notice things to count
    • I am starting to know basic shapes

    In every day experiences provide opportunities for children to notice and count objects around them. For example: the number of plates on the table, how many stairs as they are climbing them. Talk about the size and shape of everyday objects. For example: the table is round, the paper is square.


    Think about these skills:

    • I can share and take turns
    • I like playing games with others
    • I like interacting with other children
    • I understand that taking turns will help me make friends

    This is so important as it will help your child interact well with other children and make friends more easily. You can discuss this with your child when talking about meeting new children and making friends. Provide opportunities for sharing and takings to help your child understand they sometimes need to wait for things. Play games with them where you need to share toys or other items.


    Think about these skills:

    • I like it when we read books together
    • I can recognise my name when it is written down
    • I like asking questions and will wait to hear the answer

    Read with your child and make sure there are a few nice books available for your child to pick up and look at with words suitable for their age to begin reading. To improve your child’s vocabulary (range of words they understand) try to introduce new words and find different ways to explain things. Encourage your child to talk out loud and using longer sentences. So, if they answer a question with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ encourage them to give you a longer answer.


    Think about these skills:

    • I can sit and listen for a short while
    • I understand when someone is asking me to do something
    • I know I can ask a question if I don’t understand anything
    • I know that there are rules I will need to follow

    Encourage short periods of uninterrupted time for sitting together to share everyday experiences. For example: go over what has happened in the day and what was fun about it.

    To help your child understand how to follow basic instructions, make this a fun exercise by telling them you are playing a game and let’s see what they can do when you ask them. You can try instructions like ‘please tidy your toys’ or ‘choose a book and bring it to me’ or ‘please put your coat on’


    Think about these skills:

    • I like tracing patterns and colouring in
    • I enjoy making marks on paper
    • I am practising holding a pencil

    Encourage your child to make marks on paper. Use big and small pieces of paper, use different pens and pencils and crayons. The more confidence your child has making marks – the easier they will find it to begin to write. Talk with your child about the marks they have made.

    Let your child see you writing different things. For example, a shopping list or a greeting card. This will help your child understand that we write for different purposes.

    How to help your child get ready for school

    Top Tips for parents to support their child to be ready to start school, including activities to practise at home and routines to help them make a smooth transition. Families are encouraged to watch this video about getting their child ready for school.

    Clifton EYFS Handbook

    Welcome Information from the Stay and Play Meeting

    A Guide to Children's Learning in the Early Years
