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Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Name of School Governor Governor Type
Dr Pauldy Otermans Chair of Governors
Rosie Prior Vice Chair of Governors
Bill Griffiths Co-opted Governor
Antonia Yeo Co-opted Governor
Lori Greenglass / Laura Corrigan Co Headteachers
Am Rai Local Authority Governor
Farheen Azam Parent Governor
Vacancy Parent Governor
Aytac Hilmi Staff Governor

Sukhwinder Purewal

Associate Member
Alan O'Neill Clerk

Governors are appointed or elected for a 4-year term of office.  They are a group of people who are responsible for all aspects of our school.  They welcome any comments or suggestions and hear any concerns you may have.

The Governors’ Role

The governing board has a range of powers and duties laid down by various Education Acts.  In the main, these responsibilities relate to:

  • Setting targets and promoting high standards of educational achievement for all pupils
  • Setting the strategic framework within which the school operates
  • Management of the school’s budget
  • Ensuring that the curriculum for the school is broad and balanced and accessible to all pupils

Governors adopt, review and monitor a range of statutory policies that govern the operation of the school. These policies can be found on this website.

How they work

Governors discharge the above responsibilities through two formal governing board meetings each term. In addition, they make termly visits during the school day to monitor the impact of school improvement priorities. We have two statutory panels; pay panel and Headteacher appraisal. 

A number of governors also have responsibilities for specific areas within the school.  The Terms of Reference outline the specific responsibilities of the governing body.

Keeping in touch

The school website is a good way of keeping up to date with all aspects of school life.  If you have a concern or a point of view to share, please come and speak to any of our governors. There are lots of ways of sharing your views with us.  As some of our governors are also parents of children at school, they can often be found around the beginning and end of the school day.  Alternatively, you can always leave a message with the school office.

Becoming a School Governor

Becoming a school governor is an important role but you do not need any existing knowledge or experience of being a governor  in order to become a governor.  What you need to bring is: commitment to school life, the ability to work with others, patience and enthusiasm, a willingness to learn, a commitment to working openly and democratically, and most importantly a willingness to spend what time you can offer getting involved in school life.  Our governors typically spend a few hours a month contributing to school life (attending meetings, undertaking training, visiting school, participating in school events and much more) but some do less and you can do a lot more if you choose.

The most important thing to note is that governors are a team, not a collection of individuals or groups with separate agendas.  They are united by their commitment to the school and the responsibility they share for its long term success.  If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a school governor please get in touch with the school.

Governors have a legal duty to act in the best interest of the school.  Where there are personal or financial interests, which may conflict with this duty, they must identify, prevent and record the conflict.  Governors must not be involved in discussions or vote on matters to which their conflict relates.

Governors review a register of interests at the start of every meeting.  Governors also declare personal or other interests which might be a potential source of conflict. Please see below for the most up to date register of business interests.